Lachlan Hamill

In The Haus: Lachlan Hamill

For Lachlan Hamill, theatre has always been about taking creative risks and telling stories that leave a lasting impact. From being inspired by Wicked as a teenager to stepping into the role of producer with Fugitive Songs, Lachlan has carved a path that blends performance with a deep appreciation for the craft. Now, Lachlan returns to the stage in Joanna Murray-Smith’s Berlin, a gripping romantic thriller that first captivated audiences in 2023.

As Berlin starts its highly anticipated return season at Meat Market North Melbourne, Theatre Haus caught up with Lachlan to discuss his journey, the creative process behind revisiting a role, and the lessons he’s learned along the way. With a passion for storytelling and a desire to challenge himself, Lachlan shares his experiences, inspirations, and what audiences can expect from this bold and thought-provoking production.

We’d love to know more about the beginning of your career – where and how did you get your start? 

It really started for me when my mum took me to see Wicked when I was 15. I was completely bewitched, I had never seen anything like it. By the time Elphaba flew at the end of “Defying Gravity” I was like “I’m going to do that! I’m going to play Elphaba”. I haven’t played Elphaba, but maybe one day?!

From there I auditioned for my school musical, Grease, where I got the role of Kenickie. I got myself a job and started paying for dance classes and singing lessons and in 2015 I did a full-time Musical Theatre Program. When I graduated I started auditioning for anything I could and did everything that was offered to me. I was just keen to be a part of it.

What or who were some of your early influences or inspirations that shaped your career?

My favourite show growing up was Will & Grace. That whole cast was just phenomenal. I’ve always wished I could go back in time and be a part of it.

What are some of the most defining moments or milestones in your career so far?

Getting to semi-originate the role of Zombie Boy in a new musical called Motor-Mouth Loves Suck-Face was such a big moment for me. I still remember being told I was going to play the role and just having the absolute best time getting to create him with Anthony, the writer. Producing my first musical, Fugitive Songs, was a huge moment for me. I had a desire to be a part of something and I knew that if I didn’t do it, no one else would.

What is a quirky fact about you, or something people wouldn’t expect about your story?

I collect lego – I’ll leave that there.

What are you currently working on and how has that creative process been?

I’m currently working on Berlin by Joanna Murray-Smith. It is the most incredible piece of writing! Every rehearsal or minute I get to spend working on it is a joy. We did the show back in 2023, so it’s been really exciting to return to it slightly older and with a different perspective. I get to be in a rehearsal room playing and creating with two wonderful humans, Georgia and Erica. So honestly it’s all a boy could wish for.

Lachlan Hamil
Lachlan Hamill stars alongside Georgia Latchford in Joanna Murray-Smith’s BERLIN in Melbourne
What’s in your rehearsal bag that you can’t go without? 

I need to have my notebook everywhere I go. I often have moments when I have these sudden realisations and if I don’t immediately write it down, it’ll be gone forever. Also, my headphones. I create playlists for the characters I play, so I like listening to it before rehearsal or a show.

Do you have a reading, teaching/advice, institution or resource that changed your life/perspective, which you’d recommend to others?

The best thing I ever did was graduate from 16th Street Actors Studio. Having a year of full-time training where I was exposed to such a variety of techniques with some of the best teachers in the country is something I’ll be forever grateful for. I owe a lot of who I am as an artist to Kim Krejus, Iain Sinclair and all of my teachers there.

What advice would you give to a young person today aspiring to walk in your shoes? 

Take the time to get to know and understand yourself, before you take on the job of becoming another person. At the end of the day, it’s still you, so it’s tremendously important for you to know who you are. It will make the work deeper and more powerful.

What are your future aspirations or projects that you’re excited about?

Theatre-wise, I would love to play Tom in The Glass Menagerie, Tim in Holding The Man, Jordan in Significant Other… I could go on and on. I just want to work on projects! Film, TV, Theatre, all of it! I’m writing a short film and a play at the moment, so hopefully, they’ll happen sometime in the near future.

Theatre Haus is the ‘home of theatre’, where, what or who do you call home?

My partner Jordan is home. I’m very lucky to have him.

‘Berlin’ performs at the Meat Market Stables until Saturday 8 March 2025. For tickets, visit the official website. Keep up to date with Lachlan’s upcoming productions by following them on Instagram.

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